
About Me
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About Me
Dr3am Th3 Linx
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This is the page where I'll describe myself in more detail.

This is where ill try and explain myself as best as i can. ^^. I might lie about a few things *snickers* but you know im telling you everything about me.

M3: I was born in Vermont. I was born during a really bad snow storm. My grandmother couldnt get to my birthing day. When i was thr33 i had a little brother named Aaron. By the age of 10 i believe im not for sure i moved to Tennessee and lived with my great grandparents until we moved into out own house. From there i went to school and such. Now im out of highschool and living with my boyfriend out in Townsend tennesse. Thigs have been quite ok now....Little rough i need a job but who dosent! Ive been working on my artwork as much as possible. Trying to keep my talent going ya know! Im hoping to fly off to Japan before i die i just want to see it because right now i only see it in my dr3ams!

Artwork is my life

What a job!

This is another peice


Here's a list of some of my favorite movies:

Tell me something. Suicide circle, Audition, spiderman2, Perfet Blue, Akira, Ghost in a shell, spirited away, Catwoman, the village, big fish, the returner.

Here's a list of some of my favorite music:

Dir en Grey, Sugizo, Crazy town, nitty, ludacris, petey pablo, boa, Gackt, penicillin, dragon ash, bbq, nine inch nail, garbage, enigma, ying yang twins, Luna sea, L'arc en ciciel, bonnie pink, shiina ringo, malice mizer,